Category Archives: Audio

Down in the Bottom – Song of the Day


howlin wolf -down in the bottom. it features the king of the outer space guitar hubert sumlin. one of my all time favorites, it was always played on the juke box while eating fried chicken at miss alberta`s restaurant.

Good Jax Boogie – Song of the Day

dave bartholomew, good jax boogie. the great new orleans songwriter, arranger, musician and a&r man`s pean to jax beer, a locally brewed new orleans brand. this was cut at cosimo`s studio with dave`s great band.

Boogie Chillun – Song of the Day

song of the day two john lee hooker boogie chillun. it all starts with the one chord vamp and foot stomp of john lee hooker.primordial goo of rock n roll’

Feast of the Mau Mau – Dr. Ike’s Song of the Day

Here`s the first song of the day -Screamin Jay Hawkins “Feast of the Mau Mau.” The inspiration behind the name of the Mystic Knights of the Mau Mau.